
27 October 2009

Dynamic Page URL's and Google Analytics Goals

We keep coming across this issue when trying to create Goals within Google Analytics.

If you've never used Goals, they allow you to 'tag' a specific URL in your site so that Analytics can report separately on visitors who go to that URL - where they came from, what route they used to get there etc.

You usually use Goals to identify the pages people end up on after they've completed an action on your site; completing a purchase, registering on the site, requesting more information etc.

The problem comes though when a site is built dynamically and the URL people see when they complete an action doesn't change. So you can't plug a unique URL into Analytics to track as a goal. An example might be someone signing up on a website using a page called signup.php but all the steps in the process are actually done within the same page - it doesn't refresh to a new page when its all done. All very clever using javascript and ajax on page stuff, but doesn't help with your marketing.

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